Oregon Tech Launches Campaign for the Future Initiative

Kendal A Daiger
1 min readJul 15, 2019


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Kendal A. Daiger is a marketing professional with over two decades of experience working with a variety of companies. In 2017, Kendal A. Daiger founded OneL Marketing, which has worked on several projects since being established, including Oregon Institution of Technology’s Foundational Campaign for the Future, where she developed and created the official Case Statement for the campaign.

With the initiative, the Oregon Institute of Technology (Oregon Tech) will address workforce shortages across the state and wider region by investing $4 million in the health care and STEM fields, where new talent is particularly needed. University president Dr. Nagi Naganathan expressed the belief that more advanced equipment and collaborative spaces are needed to drive innovation and nurture students’ skills.

The $4 million will go toward initiatives in three areas: projects, people, and programs.

Projects include an engineering complex to house Oregon Tech’s Cornett Hall, which is undergoing renovation, and serve as the base for the recently-unveiled Center for Excellence in Engineering & Technology (CEET).

Another part of the campaign is the Oregon Tech Merit Scholarship for attracting a diverse range of high-achieving students.



Kendal A Daiger

An accomplished marketing professional, Kendal A. Daiger brings more than two decades of experience to her leadership roles with two companies in Vermont.